Why do I keep reposting my bulletins? Because they’re solid gold and I don’t want them to disappear after 10 days. I know that things like this are transitory, but I like keeping track of things (well, at least keeping stuff around).
Category: MySpace
Me and music
Last week, I replied to a bulletin about the songs in my iTunes library. I determined that I have nearly 1,600 songs. Since there’s a Smart Playlist for the 25 Most Played Song, I wanted to see what my least played songs were.
I quickly found that there are 909 songs that I’ve played five times or less. On the surface, I’ve barely listened to the songs in my library. It’s not wholly accurate — many of the songs I’ve had on another computer for years. Needless to say, I’m trying to remedy the situation.
Aside from podcasts, radio shows, audio books and the hour-long Beethoven concerts. I’m listening to those at least five times because it would be extremely trying.
Here’s the bulletin:
I (heart) iTunes Body: Open iTunes, go to your library, and supply the following: Answer, no matter how embarrasing it is!
- How many songs: 1596 songs (6.9 days, 8.13 GB)
- Sort by Song Title: First Song: ¿Donde Se Fueron? by Ozomatli Last Song: Zydeco Boogaloo by Buckwheat Zydeco
- Sort by Time: Shortest Song: cnn_sting_5a_copy1 (:06) Longest Song: 61804 (an episode of the “American Who” radio show), 1:40:36 Longest Actual Song – Beethoven’s 9th Symphony – BBC Philharmonic, 1:07:24
- Sort by Artist: First Artist: 3Style Last Artist: Yoshikazu Iwamoto
- Sort by Album: First Album: 1st Magic (D’Nell) Last Album: You’ll Disappear (Augustana)
- Top Three Most Played Songs-BE HONEST: 1. Duel of the Fates (Star Wars Episode 1) – 100 times 2. The Breaking of the Fellowship (The Lord of the Rings) – 95 times 3. Theme from “Battlestar Galactica” (original) – Stu Philips – 93 times
- First song that comes up on shuffle: Entire Library (No Party Shuffle): Saturday Night Fish Fry – Louis Jordan Party Shuffle (Entire Library): Ballad of Ted Clampett – From “The Beverly Hillbillies”
- Search for… “sex”: 2 out of 1596 “death”: 2 out of 1596 “love”: 43 out of 1596
Singing and stuff
OK, I’ve done a lot more singing than my blog would show. The brief highlights include a drunken kiss (while I was singing “Radar Love”) at the Last Call, the horrible wait at the Abbottswood (2 songs in four hours, well three if you count the beatbox version of “Battle Hymn of the Republic.”) and the power blackout at the Optimo last Saturday.
Monday at the Bear was probably one of the better nights at the bar in a while. Tim moved the setup inside after a chilly showing last Monday. People seemed to enjoy the songs I picked with people singing and dancing. That’s a rare occurance for me. Even if I’m the second coming of William Hung, at least we’re all having a good time.
- Danger Zone
- Man of Constant Sorrow
- Cat’s in the Cradle
- Soul Man
- I’m gonna be 500 miles
- Give it Away
- Beast of Burden
My stab at MySpace humor
A couple of weeks ago, I replied to my first bulletin. Since MySpace (and Tom) delete bulletins after 10 days, I wanted to preserve this for posterity for all to enjoy (including Tom). – Ryan
Well, I’m responding to the most interesting bulletin I’ve seen in a while. Instead of the typical ’69 things I did to find good lovin’, someone is using the bulletins as a gauge to see if people are listening. Consequently, those that apparently didn’t post a reply to the bulletin may be dropped as a friend.
It’s an interesting approach, but it might be an imprecise tool. I don’t reply or repost bulletins because I’m just not into talking about ‘good lovin’ or propagating inane forwards about security breaches or promises of good luck. Oh, well. I’m here.
Since I’m on the soap box, I may as well respond to those burning questions. I hope no one’s offended — I’m trying to spice things up a bit.
Here we go:
- Did you ever do it with a marsupial? Not yet.
- What’s the last thing you saw before you blinked? This screen and my impending doom.
- Could you please repost this bulletin so that Tom and the MySpace gang will know you’re still alive? No, for two reasons. One – I’m writing this darn thing. Two – if ‘Tom’ (if that’s his real name) needs users to repost lame bulletins to make sure a user account is active, then we’re all in poor shape.
- Speaking of reposting this bulletin, what’s the most ominous threat you can conceive of to ‘encourage’ compliance? If you don’t pass this bulletin on, you will one day realize that you’ve lacked something for a long time. This feeling of loss is compounded by the fact that you didn’t miss whatever is missing until it was gone.
- OK, now I need to ask a random, ‘wacky’ question: When was the last time you contributed to a compost pile? Never, unless you count using the bathroom. 😉
- Seriously, nothing at all with the marsupial? I was tempted during a romantic cruise near Corsica, but the moment passed when I saw the marsupial for what it was — a pouched animal. I felt unworthy.
Just another Monday at the Bear.
- Hell – Squirrel Nut Zippers
- Speak Softly Love (Theme from The Godfather) – Wow, I so didn’t know that song.
- Beautiful Day – It was U2’s song, I only sang it.
- This Love – From Maroon 5. I thought I didn’t know it, but it came through in the end.
- Just the Way You Are – Much better this time out although I doubt it will ever become a crowd pleaser.
- Good Morning Starshine – Nooby Nobby Low Low.
- Folsom Prison Blues – Johnny Cash sang it right the first time.
- Take Me Home, County Roads – Mountain Momma.
- Wanted – I took the lead after providing back-up for months.
- Rawhide – Another song about a cowboy (but with real horses, not metal ones)
Keep on Rocklin in the Free World
I don’t normally go to Rocklin for karaoke at Rebounds, but I thought of four reasons to travel down there Sunday. A quadruple threat if you will. There was:
- Karaoke. It was pretty fun the last time and the singers were good (there was a contest).
- Trivia. It’s the closest place to play NTN.
- Seeing people. Maybe that girl from Sacramento would be there again.
- Supper. Maybe check out Texas BBQ or Old Spaghetti Factory for a bite. Well, I couldn’t find the BBQ place (again). Maybe next time after I’ve looked up directions. So I ended up just going to Garden Fresh.
The karaoke was servicable. It was a new group starting after the old KJ quit last month to start her own company. The bartender said the crowd has dropped off after she left. I hope it picks up. Ultimately it wasn’t that bad of a night. I sat at the bar, playing trivia and reading the Bee in between songs.
- She Caught the Katy
- Busted
- It’s the End of the World
- Minnie the Moocher
- Friends in Low Places
While I took the wrong highway (again) to Arden Fair, I did get out of Rocklin in a straightforward fashion, instead of driving in circles.
Empty nest at The Maltese
Like The Grad on Tuesday, there was only a small crowd at The Maltese Wednesday. We think that the low turnout might be due to the Monday holiday. Thankfully, Ari was along to help trade off songs with Ronnie. Joel showed up and seemed to be having a good time (but he didn’t sing).
Eventually, Ronnie declared it was new song night and we all tried our hands at singing different tunes outside our comfort zone. Most of my songs were new to me (aside from two or three “classics”).
- Thanks for the Memory – rough, rough probably better left to the late Bob Hope.
- Summertime – Why, oh why did I try this one? It was way too slow and I don’t have the gravitas.
- She Blinded Me (With Science)
- Down Under
- Take the Last Train to Clarksville
- It’s the End of the World as We Know it (And I Feel Fine)
- Jump, Jive and Wail
- Mr. Roboto – Another rough song because I only really knew the first verse and the chorus.
- Beth – Ronnie tried to get Ari to sing this one, but I jumped in. I didn’t know it and I can only hope that KISS might have enjoyed it if they were present.
- I Want You to Want Me – Another random song Ronnie picked out.
- Give it Away Now – Again, it was rough for a bit until I remembered more of the song.
- Folsom Prison Blues – Ended the night with some Cash.
The Grad’s not glad
Some late posting about my time Tuesday at the Graduate. I was hoping for a good time because of the no-karaoke Monday, but there were only a handful of people. KJ Tim and I traded off songs through the night although newcomer Aaron sang a couple of songs.
The end of the night was marred by an employee coming out from the back and writing an extremely rude message on the request sheet. We were apparently “killing” him and others. I know karaoke isn’t everyone’s cup but sheesh that seemed a little rude.
Here’s the rundown:
- An Old-Fashioned Love Song – Still working on that three-point harmony.
- Ballad of Gillian’s Island – Drat, there’s a mostly unheard second verse.
- Don’t Get Around Much Anymore – Trying another swing song.
- Are You Gonna Go My Way – Experimenting with Kravitz.
- Blue Moon
- Rawhide
- Bust A Move – the song that broke the back of the employee. It was rough but I thought it was all right (well, probably not).
- Hey Ya!
- Just the Way You Are – I don’t think I sang it well, but the people cleaning the kitchen recognized it and sang along for a bit.
The trick’s on me
Night in Paradise