What about that sexy audience?

My two friends currently living in Connecticut happened to be in the audience of the episode of “Late Show with David Letterman” that aired Friday.

I was trying to spot them in the audience throughout the episode, and I quickly grew anxious. The show was dragging quite a bit.

Who cares about whatever the heck guest Billy Crystal was talking about? Where’s the handsome — and possibly sexy in places — audience? Show more of them.

After the broadcast, I went back to the one (one!) time the audience was shown on the screen and spotted them.

The show was recorded a week prior and it showed — the delaying tactics were really obvious. How can they do a “Week in Review” segment and not talk about Supreme Court nominee Alito? No Scooter Libby mention either, but they had plenty of time for the “wacky” antics of Letterman and his cast.

It also seemed like Crystal’s segment lasted 700 Sundays. OK, it wasn’t that bad, but it seemed much longer than it needed to be — the whole show did.

I also wish I was a bigger Ryan Adams fan, but nyeh. I just got very anxious during the song too and took a short break. I did tap my feet watching the segment the next day, but only a little.

However, it would be fun to be in a live television studio audience one day. I can either sit quietly or use my patented guffaw (patent pending).