Rooting around

There’s a discussion going on at TrekBBS about the contents of people’s wallets. The thread was entitled “What’s in your wallet?” like the Capital One credit card commercials.

I cleaned my wallet out last August, but I’ve still got a bit of clutter. Here’s what’s inside:

* Michigan driver’s license
* MetroCard (one-day pass to use NYC mass transit)
* SmarTrip card (electronic pass to use Washington DC Metro mass transit and parking lots)
* San Diego City Library card (with SD County Library sticker). Long expired.
* Blockbuster Rewards card
* First Class Phone Card (U.S. Poster Service/AT&T phone card)
* Wells Fargo cards
* Bank of America card
* University at Buffalo Library Work Station Access Card (to access UB library computers)
* A mini-map of Washington DC from Knight-Ridder (a media company)
* A business card for a Wells Fargo personal banker
* Holiday Station Stores Milk Club card (Buy 12 gallons, get one free). Only bought one so far.
* Directions to get to a friend’s mother’s house in Elkhart, Ind.
* A piece of scrap paper with an e-mail address of Hancock’s photographer on it.
* Certificate of no-fault insurance from State Farm. Expired last Sept.
* Ticket to attend opening reception of Unity 2004 at Union Station in DC on Aug. 4. Unity was a convention for journalists of color.
* Business card for a Philadelphia school official that I met at the Unity reception.
* Punched MARC rail ticket (although it says Amtrak) to travel from BWI Airport outside Baltimore, Md. to DC’s Union Station. Used on 4 Aug 2004.
* Dental insurance card. No good.
* Blue Cross-Blue Shield insurance card. Again, no good.
* State Farm car insurance card. Expired in 2002.

There’s lots of memories in my wallet. Much like my dwelling and life itself.

So what’s in your wallet?