I’ve noticed two small local changes that have have been on my mind over the past few weeks.
- When the heck is Cold Stone Creamery’s downtown location going to reopen? It’s been closed for weeks with just a sign on the door saying they’re working on stuff.
I’d be worried the company might be easing its way out of the area because I’ve seen it happen with restaurants elsewhere. However, I’ve seen signs of progress in the location. I’m keeping my fingers crossed.
- While shopping at the local grocery store, I’ve noticed Butte Creek Brewing Co. redesigned its logo, cases and overall look.
My first impression — it’s a bold, streamlined look that adds some design consistency across the product line. They’re definitely emphasizing their organic brewing method. All and all, a simple label might stand out better against the colorful clashes one sees from many other small breweries.
The company’s Web site has a teaser image showing the new logo and look.