It seems I can’t access this Web page (or many other ‘blogs) using the old text-based Web browser, Lynx. Something about being unable to decompress temporary file or something…

I downloaded a copy of MacLynx (last updated 1997) to use on my ancient PowerMac 6100/60. Sadly, Netscape Navigator, Internet Explorer and iCab simply didn’t cut mustard. It’s still interesting to read pages without any images and absolutely no text formatting at all (aside from paragraphs and justification). It’s fast tho’.

I got Deep Space Nine yesterday. It’s nice to have the old show on my television after a long hiatus (the local television stations don’t run the show anymore). I promise I won’t spend all my time watching the show. 😉

There’s a big difference between video games and reality. Playing Sega Sports’ World Series Baseball 2K2 on the obsolete-before-its-time Dreamcast with sports dude Kevin, I trounced him by the football-esque score of 25-18 (Padres over Brewers in Miller Park). The game was even closer than the score shows because we were figuring out how to pitch.

I think we set a record in having the Padres pitchers gang up and peg the same Brewer batter five times. Good thing it’s just a digital game (and the computerized players don’t know how to rush the mound…). In the end, it wasn’t a good strategy for the Padres, I think the dude scored 2 or 3 times.

Who knew that international Online orders would take so long to be delivered by mail? I ordered the first season DVDs — Made in Canada, CBC’s biting satire of the film and television industry, and Coupling, the British comedy on love and relationships currently on BBC America from (the Canadian version of the ol’ chestnut).

Well, the order shipped on Feb. 5 via Canada Post Int’l Surface. Amazon says the package is expected to arrive “14 February – 27 February”. That’s more than 20 days at the outset. I live 50 miles away from Canada, as the crow flies — I would’ve thought it would be a little faster than that.

The good news is that the currency exchange rate between our two nations is in America’s favor. The order was about CDN$52 which comes out to be US$35. So I did save money from the domestic (which doesn’t even sell “Made in Canada”). Still looking for a copy of Men with Brooms. 🙂